var wp_optimize = window.wp_optimize || {};/** * Send an action via admin-ajax.php. * * @param {string} action The action to send * @param {[type]} data Data to send * @param {Function} callback Will be called with the results * @param {boolean} json_parse JSON parse the results * @param {object} options Optional extra options; current properties supported are 'timeout' (in milliseconds) * * @return {JSON} */ wp_optimize.send_command = function (action, data, callback, json_parse, options) {json_parse = ('undefined' === typeof json_parse) ? true : json_parse;if (!data) data = {}; // If the command doesn't have the property, default to true if (!data.hasOwnProperty('include_ui_elements')) { data.include_ui_elements = true; }var ajax_data = { action: 'wp_optimize_ajax', subaction: action, nonce: wp_optimize_send_command_data.nonce, data: data };var args = { type: 'post', data: ajax_data, success: function (response) { if (json_parse) { try { var resp = wpo_parse_json(response); } catch (e) { console.log(e); console.log(response); alert(wpoptimize.error_unexpected_response); return; } // If result == false and and error code is provided, show the error and return. if (!resp.result && resp.hasOwnProperty('error_code') && resp.error_code) { wp_optimize.notices.show_notice(resp.error_code, resp.error_message); return; } if ('function' === typeof callback) callback(resp); } else { if (!response.result && response.hasOwnProperty('error_code') && response.error_code) { wp_optimize.notices.show_notice(response.error_code, response.error_message); return; } if ('function' === typeof callback) callback(response); } } };// Eventually merge options if ('object' === typeof options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty('timeout')) { args.timeout = options.timeout; } if (options.hasOwnProperty('error') && 'function' === typeof options.error) { args.error = options.error; } }return jQuery.ajax(ajaxurl, args); };/** * JS notices */ wp_optimize.notices = { errors: [], show_notice: function(error_code, error_message) { // WPO main page if (jQuery('#wp-optimize-wrap').length) { if (!this.notice) this.add_notice();; if (!this.errors[error_code]) { this.errors[error_code] = jQuery('

').html(error_message).appendTo(this.notice).data('error_code', error_code); } // Post edit page } else if (window.wp && wp.hasOwnProperty('data')) {'core/notices').createNotice( 'error', 'WP-Optimize: ' + error_message, { isDismissible: true } ); // Other locations } else { alert('WP-Optimize: ' + error_message); } }, add_notice: function() { this.notice_container = jQuery('

').prependTo('#wp-optimize-wrap'); this.notice = jQuery('
'); this.notice.appendTo(this.notice_container); this.notice.on('click', '.notice-dismiss', function(e) { this.notice.hide().find('p').remove(); this.errors = []; }.bind(this)); } };/** * Parse JSON string, including automatically detecting unwanted extra input and skipping it * * @param {string|object} json_mix_str - JSON string which need to parse and convert to object * * @throws SyntaxError|String (including passing on what JSON.parse may throw) if a parsing error occurs. * * @return mixed parsed JSON object. Will only return if parsing is successful (otherwise, will throw) */ function wpo_parse_json(json_mix_str) { // When using wp_send_json to return the value, the format is already parsed. if ('object' === typeof json_mix_str) return json_mix_str;// Just try it - i.e. the 'default' case where things work (which can include extra whitespace/line-feeds, and simple strings, etc.). try { var result = JSON.parse(json_mix_str); return result; } catch (e) { console.log("WPO: Exception when trying to parse JSON (1) - will attempt to fix/re-parse"); console.log(json_mix_str); }var json_start_pos = json_mix_str.indexOf('{'); var json_last_pos = json_mix_str.lastIndexOf('}');// Case where some php notice may be added after or before json string if (json_start_pos > -1 && json_last_pos > -1) { var json_str = json_mix_str.slice(json_start_pos, json_last_pos + 1); try { var parsed = JSON.parse(json_str); return parsed; } catch (e) { console.log("WPO: Exception when trying to parse JSON (2) - will attempt to fix/re-parse based upon bracket counting");var cursor = json_start_pos; var open_count = 0; var last_character = ''; var inside_string = false;// Don't mistake this for a real JSON parser. Its aim is to improve the odds in real-world cases seen, not to arrive at universal perfection. while ((open_count > 0 || cursor == json_start_pos) && cursor <= json_last_pos) {var current_character = json_mix_str.charAt(cursor);if (!inside_string && '{' == current_character) { open_count++; } else if (!inside_string && '}' == current_character) { open_count--; } else if ('"' == current_character && '\\' != last_character) { inside_string = inside_string ? false : true; }last_character = current_character; cursor++; }console.log("Started at cursor="+json_start_pos+", ended at cursor="+cursor+" with result following:"); console.log(json_mix_str.substring(json_start_pos, cursor));try { var parsed = JSON.parse(json_mix_str.substring(json_start_pos, cursor)); // console.log('WPO: JSON re-parse successful'); return parsed; } catch (e) { // Throw it again, so that our function works just like JSON.parse() in its behaviour. throw e; }} }throw "WPO: could not parse the JSON";} Accounting Tech - Bottom Line

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Your financial statements do not accurately reflect what is happening in your business. Due to a lack of technology and information, businesses are unable to accurately track and report on their performance. Your search for a custom-built accounting platform that will support your growing business's requirements for timely financial reporting, data consolidation across disparate systems, and user accessibility continues.


We are committed to staying abreast of the latest financial technology trends and tools. With the right mix of automation and cloud-based software, we can streamline your operation and increase efficiency across your organisation. With the right mix of technology, we can improve efficiency and save time for management and staff. We can create reports and dashboards that show budget, forecasting, cash flow, and more.

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