var wp_optimize = window.wp_optimize || {};/** * Send an action via admin-ajax.php. * * @param {string} action The action to send * @param {[type]} data Data to send * @param {Function} callback Will be called with the results * @param {boolean} json_parse JSON parse the results * @param {object} options Optional extra options; current properties supported are 'timeout' (in milliseconds) * * @return {JSON} */ wp_optimize.send_command = function (action, data, callback, json_parse, options) {json_parse = ('undefined' === typeof json_parse) ? true : json_parse;if (!data) data = {}; // If the command doesn't have the property, default to true if (!data.hasOwnProperty('include_ui_elements')) { data.include_ui_elements = true; }var ajax_data = { action: 'wp_optimize_ajax', subaction: action, nonce: wp_optimize_send_command_data.nonce, data: data };var args = { type: 'post', data: ajax_data, success: function (response) { if (json_parse) { try { var resp = wpo_parse_json(response); } catch (e) { console.log(e); console.log(response); alert(wpoptimize.error_unexpected_response); return; } // If result == false and and error code is provided, show the error and return. if (!resp.result && resp.hasOwnProperty('error_code') && resp.error_code) { wp_optimize.notices.show_notice(resp.error_code, resp.error_message); return; } if ('function' === typeof callback) callback(resp); } else { if (!response.result && response.hasOwnProperty('error_code') && response.error_code) { wp_optimize.notices.show_notice(response.error_code, response.error_message); return; } if ('function' === typeof callback) callback(response); } } };// Eventually merge options if ('object' === typeof options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty('timeout')) { args.timeout = options.timeout; } if (options.hasOwnProperty('error') && 'function' === typeof options.error) { args.error = options.error; } }return jQuery.ajax(ajaxurl, args); };/** * JS notices */ wp_optimize.notices = { errors: [], show_notice: function(error_code, error_message) { // WPO main page if (jQuery('#wp-optimize-wrap').length) { if (!this.notice) this.add_notice();; if (!this.errors[error_code]) { this.errors[error_code] = jQuery('

').html(error_message).appendTo(this.notice).data('error_code', error_code); } // Post edit page } else if (window.wp && wp.hasOwnProperty('data')) {'core/notices').createNotice( 'error', 'WP-Optimize: ' + error_message, { isDismissible: true } ); // Other locations } else { alert('WP-Optimize: ' + error_message); } }, add_notice: function() { this.notice_container = jQuery('

').prependTo('#wp-optimize-wrap'); this.notice = jQuery('
'); this.notice.appendTo(this.notice_container); this.notice.on('click', '.notice-dismiss', function(e) { this.notice.hide().find('p').remove(); this.errors = []; }.bind(this)); } };/** * Parse JSON string, including automatically detecting unwanted extra input and skipping it * * @param {string|object} json_mix_str - JSON string which need to parse and convert to object * * @throws SyntaxError|String (including passing on what JSON.parse may throw) if a parsing error occurs. * * @return mixed parsed JSON object. Will only return if parsing is successful (otherwise, will throw) */ function wpo_parse_json(json_mix_str) { // When using wp_send_json to return the value, the format is already parsed. if ('object' === typeof json_mix_str) return json_mix_str;// Just try it - i.e. the 'default' case where things work (which can include extra whitespace/line-feeds, and simple strings, etc.). try { var result = JSON.parse(json_mix_str); return result; } catch (e) { console.log("WPO: Exception when trying to parse JSON (1) - will attempt to fix/re-parse"); console.log(json_mix_str); }var json_start_pos = json_mix_str.indexOf('{'); var json_last_pos = json_mix_str.lastIndexOf('}');// Case where some php notice may be added after or before json string if (json_start_pos > -1 && json_last_pos > -1) { var json_str = json_mix_str.slice(json_start_pos, json_last_pos + 1); try { var parsed = JSON.parse(json_str); return parsed; } catch (e) { console.log("WPO: Exception when trying to parse JSON (2) - will attempt to fix/re-parse based upon bracket counting");var cursor = json_start_pos; var open_count = 0; var last_character = ''; var inside_string = false;// Don't mistake this for a real JSON parser. Its aim is to improve the odds in real-world cases seen, not to arrive at universal perfection. while ((open_count > 0 || cursor == json_start_pos) && cursor <= json_last_pos) {var current_character = json_mix_str.charAt(cursor);if (!inside_string && '{' == current_character) { open_count++; } else if (!inside_string && '}' == current_character) { open_count--; } else if ('"' == current_character && '\\' != last_character) { inside_string = inside_string ? false : true; }last_character = current_character; cursor++; }console.log("Started at cursor="+json_start_pos+", ended at cursor="+cursor+" with result following:"); console.log(json_mix_str.substring(json_start_pos, cursor));try { var parsed = JSON.parse(json_mix_str.substring(json_start_pos, cursor)); // console.log('WPO: JSON re-parse successful'); return parsed; } catch (e) { // Throw it again, so that our function works just like JSON.parse() in its behaviour. throw e; }} }throw "WPO: could not parse the JSON";} Benefits of Outsourcing a Bookkeeper - Bottom Line
June 1, 2022 |
 Published by: bottomline

Benefits of Outsourcing a Bookkeeper

As a result of the availability factor that the online world provides, it is becoming increasingly practical for businesses to evaluate the necessity of employing full-time staff. Instead of having in-house bookkeeping services, many businesses are discovering the numerous benefits of outsourcing operations.

The key benefits your company will enjoy are as follows:

  1. Saving money.

The bottom line is that outsourcing your accounting operations saves you money on full-time or part-time employee wages and benefits. Furthermore, you save money on lost productivity costs associated with hiring new employees. You only pay for what you need when you outsource—nothing more, nothing less.

  1. Expertise on your side.

Outsourcing is a great way to have full-time knowledge on your team without having to pay for it 24 hours a day, seven days a week. By entrusting your books to a highly skilled staff that understands best practises and how to properly staff for specific tasks.

  1.  Focused work staff

By removing office distractions from their jobs, our staff is able to focus on their work as well as on your company.

  1. Individual vs. team personnel

When you outsource your accounting services, you are entrusting your financial records to a team that thrives on collaboration. Unfortunately, one person is frequently insufficient to uncover every subtle nuance that can benefit your company. When you outsource, however, you have a team of workers and managers checking and double checking each other's work, ensuring that you receive the best services possible. This also helps to maintain a clear separation of duties, as HR and purchasing are held to the same standards as credit services and customer service. When your sections are running smoothly, they come together to form a stronger and more cohesive unit.

  1. Access to cutting-edge systems

Outsourcing your bookkeeping operations gives you greater access to industry-leading tools. Most businesses cannot afford to pay for the prohibitively expensive software programmes, nor can they afford to spend the time required to keep up with changing laws and regulations. Outsourcing is essentially purchasing those tools and knowledge by proxy, but the best part is that you don't have to do any of the work!

  1. Options for scalability.

Options for scalability. Finally, outsourcing allows you to scale up or scale down in the blink of an eye. Whether you want to expand your business or cut costs, having a dependable team on your side, offering you various plans and options, will help you achieve your objectives. Outsourcing allows for flexibility that in-house bookkeepers simply cannot provide.

Businesses, both new and existing, that discover they want the assistance of an external bookkeeping agency ought to give serious consideration to outsourcing their accounting requirements. Employing a full-time accountant for your company is more expensive than engaging one of the many businesses that provide such services and is therefore not an option that is within your firm's price range. When looking for a bookkeeping service, there are a seemingly endless number of alternatives accessible to you, which makes it simple to understand why so many businesses are taking advantage of them.

In general, outsourcing has developed from being merely an alternate work arrangement into a feasible solution for small enterprises that require greater flexibility and efficiency.

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